Mind Full, or Mindful??
Mindfulness: 5 thoughts on how to add mindfulness to your healing journey.
Mindfulness not only becomes a way of thinking and a way of doing, it becomes a way of being as well.

Mindful eating. When you count the number of times you chew it by nature encourages you to be more present about not only what you are eating and what it tastes like, but also your body’s response to food.
Ask yourself, “what does it mean to be in partnership with my body?”
Get curious about who has answers about your health. Could it be you? Consider your dis-ease as an invitation to evolve and look inward for answers.
Ask yourself, what shame can I let go of? Recognize that thoughts are simply thoughts; you don’t need to believe them or react to them.
Be aware of the average score! We will have some stellar on target days and some kind of-off to way-off target days. In medicine, what is most important is how things add up and average. We are shooting for a 3.0 average score or above!