An Introduction to Coaching
Lifestyle coaching is a skill set that takes years of practice to refine. I owe my patient base a considerable thanks for helping me cultivate this skill set through trial and error. Thanks, folks.
Talking to people, getting to know their truths, understanding what it’s like to walk a day in their shoes, learning their blocks or habits and a little about why they have them, gaining an appreciation of their knowledge set and motivation, where they’ve been and what they’ve tried. These make up the parts of a successful interview. Lifestyle change begins in the interview, not after it. That’s where the Doctor and the Patient must show up most.
Why Consider Lifestyle Coaching?
Even a lifestyle coach must work out their beliefs, habits, ideas, hopes, willingness, motivation, strategies, questions, curiosities, and more outside their head. That’s all a lifestyle coach is: someone trained in techniques to help you know yourself better but also to help you find your own brilliant and tailored answers. It’s a co-creative process. The doctor is only the guide. You get to be the hero of your journey.
How Can You Benefit?
You can leave your interview with the doctor armed with an immediately applicable action step you agree with. That’s big time, no? To arrive with no answers and leave with an actionable plan means you have a direction to go. You don’t need to wait around for “results” before you get started. No, you can hit the ground running from day one.
A nuHealth Story
How Can We Help?
Dr. Neale is ready to help you find the most accessible next step in your lifestyle coaching journey — your next “yes”. Armed with actionable data you’ll be poised to go further than you have gotten on your own up to that point.
Next Steps
Schedule your appointment today and bravely, with knowledgeable support, search for those answers that lie deeper within you. Then, take the next step that will begin a new season of your life, undoubtedly with less suffering and more vitality. You might not even know how good you feel, and not just physically.
It's Time for a New Perspective!
At nuHealth we know that you want to get back to being the creative core being that is your true self, but in order to do that, you need a doctor that wants to treat the whole you.