Man sitting on floor drinking water after a workout

Getting Started with Supplements

Supplementation is the wild west of “natural medicine.” Supplements, when made poorly, or when used incorrectly, can harm. Just because they are “natural” doesn’t mean they are safe and effective. Also, just because it worked for your sister, for her ailment, doesn’t automatically mean it’s a one-size-fits-all fix.

The multibillion-dollar supplement industry might not have your best interests in mind. It’s important to work with a skilled practitioner to not only decide which nutrients are deficient and need supplementation, but also, which products are safe, in the correct form, have the correct synergistic nutrients for best assimilation, and the list goes on.

How Can Taking Supplements Help Me?

Unfortunately, our food supply is not as nutrient-dense as it once was. Soil degradation and industrial farming have contributed to the loss of food quality. In this modern age, it is not uncommon to find deficiencies of common nutrients.

If we can’t get the nutrients from our food supply it is important to ensure nourishment with supplemental nutrition, as known as “supplements.”

“It’s important to work with a skilled practitioner to not only decide which nutrients are deficient and need supplementation, but also, which products are safe…”

A nuHealth Story

Excellent practitioner, knowledgeable, truly listens, and I feel that she genuinely cares about my “whole person” health wants the best for me! This is not a “drive by” doctor and it’s so refreshing to feel “heard”! She’s recommended approaches to solving some health issues that my MD did not even mention, but instead gave me the generic “diet and exercise” recommendation. I took Dr Neale’s recommendations to heart and saw such a dramatic improvement in a very short period of time. The MD’s office was super excited about my test results of following their “advice” and I shared that I had followed Dr Neale’s advice almost exclusively. I feel like she helped to re-educate my other doc! Her staff (G!) are wonderful too!


How Can We Help?

Dr. Neale has been vetting and practicing with supplemental nutrition to address deficiencies and disease in her patient base for over a decade. Reduce the guess work, avoid purchasing supplements that will not help or worse, that will do harm, and instead work with a practitioner to  custom tailor a plan that meets your specific needs based on data, not guess work.

Next Steps

There is a lot of less-than-trustworthy information regarding supplements and their use on the internet. Schedule your appointment and get reliable, specific, and evidence-based answers today regarding supplement use and its effects. This will not only save you money, but more importantly, it will save you time.

It's Time for a New Perspective!

At nuHealth we know that you want to get back to being the creative core being that is your true self, but in order to do that, you need a doctor that wants to treat the whole you.